Hi There, I’m Loren,

I was born and spent my childhood days in Harare, Zimbabwe. I grew up with two siblings younger than me - a sister and a brother. If anyone asks me who my best friends are I would tell them my siblings - understanding, trustworthy and loyal. Sibling battles were there but we were taught to say sorry, that we love each other and hug. We are very blessed to have chosen each other to experience this lifetime together. Growing up both parents worked, my father travelled a fair bit. However, they always made time for us as a family, whether that was family dinners or weekends away at Lake Chivero caravanning. At the age of 15, I went to boarding school in Grahamstown, South Africa. Most of my time after school was spent in the Dance Studio – dancing and choreographing dances for cultural evenings and for fun. This magical place introduced me to yoga and where my love for yoga started. A year after I finished school, I found myself on an interesting journey of self-awareness and self-discovery due to depression and anxiety. This began through MetaVaristy, learning and understanding metaphysics - Introduction to Metaphysics course. I learned about energy, meditation, chakras, affirmations and so much more… MetaVaristy changed my life, my facilitator and fellow students were supportive and encouraging. Through working on myself, my dharma came to into blossom here. Dharma is life purpose. I had a vision but to get there… I wasn’t sure. Before University life began, I completed Reiki Levels 1,2,3 and Advanced Reiki with Soul Healing Academy.

Struggling to find a job in SA, my parents had moved from the UK to Malawi. My Dad and work colleagues helped me with finding a job at an International School in Lilongwe, Malawi, where I have been working for the last four years as a School Counsellor and Learning Support Teacher. At the beginning of my second contract I knew that this was going to be my last two years in Malawi, as it was time for me to move to Cape Town permanently, to start a new chapter of creating . and living my dharma - life purpose. During these years in Malawi, I completed a PGCE with Sunderland University, went on a wonderful adventure on an over lander through 7 different countries in South and Eastern Africa, completed a 200hr yoga teacher training in Thailand, a 100hr Online Children’s Teacher Training and currently finishing off a Life Coaching and Energy Healing course. Through all the ups and downs since leaving school, I am taking a leap with the confidence I have built. It’s time, the Universe says, it’s time dear one to live your dream and serve others with love, understanding and compassion.

Uni life began at Gloustershire University, England, completing an undergraduate degree, Bachelor of Science - Honours in Health, Community and Social Care joint with Psychology. Following on from this a postgraduate degree, Master of Science in Psychology from Kingston University, England. Intertwined in these Uni years were an Angel Card Reading short course and Theta Healing short course.

Once University life was complete, I moved back to South Africa where I volunteered at Think Twice (Child Protection NGO), KAYA Clinic (Akeso Adolescents Clinic) and the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG). I also completed the Applied Metaphysics - Soul Awareness course and Facilitators course with MetaVarsity.

A little bit of me…


“I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe.”

~ Louise Hay

The Guest House by Rumi

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.