
My beautiful and amazing Parents and Siblings, Grandparents, Aunt and Uncles, Cousins (first and second) Brother and Sister in law.

My Loving and Supportive Fiancé

Rebecca Kirk - Business Coach and Mentor

Spirit Guide and deep soul friend - Catrina

Past and Present Friends 

Fellow students and facilitators at MetaVarsity

Work colleagues and students at Bishop Mackenzie International School in Lilongwe, Malawi

Teachers, fellow Yogini’s and Yogi’s at One Yoga Thailand

My nutritional and personal coaches at Plett Sports Clinic

Teachers and Friends at The Shala - Gardens, Cape Town

Fellow crossfitters at Cape Crossfit - Claremont

All at The Grove Toastmasters Club

Thank you all for playing your part in my journey! Your love, care, understanding and support are a blessing.

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and bless you, the giver.” ~ Barbara De Angelis