What is Self-Awareness?

Oooo… I invite you to say a big warm hello to yourself “Hello Beautiful (your name)” … Give yourself a big hug… Tell yourself “I SEE YOU! And I LOVE YOU!”

How do you feel after that?

You may have felt great, refreshed, calm, awkward or strange but seriously how do you feel after acknowledging yourself? Take a deep breath in through your nose, deep into your belly and out through your mouth. How amazing was that! 😊 Thank yourself for taking this time to see you and give love!

Self-awareness is noticing… being mindful… acknowledging and being aware of you. Have you ever asked yourself “who am I?” or said “I don’t know who I am… I am still trying to find myself… I have lost who I am.” Well, you are not alone there. There have been many times that I have said it myself or heard people around me say something similar. Throughout our years of living, a lot of us are constantly trying to find out “who we are” however, over time, I have realised that life is constant flow of energy and change, so why would we know ourselves completely? Our life/lives on Earth and in Spirit/Energy is a continuous journey of experiencing what is… just being… I believe that our true “self” is continuous learning and experiencing, continuous flow of energy, continuing to add love and joy to self, soul, other beings (minerals, plants, animals, humans and all sentient beings) and source.  We are change! We are constantly growing and developing on different levels – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and maybe there are other level we are not even aware of. Life is a flowing journey and learning each moment about who you are is part of that journey. If you drive a long road, do you drive past the same thing, do you experience the same thing? Yes, you may find there are consistencies and similarities but mainly things are changing on that road. There are certain things in our lives that are constant but so much is changing. If you think about your day/s, think about how many things have been different for you, how your thought processes or feelings have been towards wherever you are. Have they been the same or has there been a flow of change?

Self-awareness is starting to notice YOU, being aware of YOU and acknowledging YOU! How do you feel? How do you think? How do you react? How do you respond? How do you see things inside yourself and outside of yourself? It is taking time to look in the mirror or close your eyes and notice what is going on for you inside and outside without negative judgement. It is about “BEING”. How often are you just “BEING”, living in the moment, in the here and now? It is not always about “DOING”. “BEING” is an important factor of self-awareness. It gives yourself, soul and energy time to connect and experience the journey that you are on.  Being able to just take a moment to breathe and notice what is right in front of you, being present in yourself and with the energy within and around you – whatever that energy may be. This is where reflection, shift and realisations happens, be mindful and send loving, joyous light in all moments of the journey, whether they are absolutely amazing or really challenging. I invite you to see past the uncomfortableness or the challenge – is there another way of looking at it? Is there a hidden message to reflect on or is there a beautiful lesson? Within awareness there are many perspectives you could open your mind too. If there are positive or negative experiences coming up, notice them and give them love.

Becoming more self-aware helps you to change and within that change you see others and things around you differently which in turn provides a ripple effect of change in life. Seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting, feeling with love in everything situation. Creating time and space to practice love which in turn you share love.


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