What is Mindfulness? Benefits for Teens and Young Adults

Mindfulness is: 

  • Practicing paying attention to the present moment without judgment or criticism - being free of the past and the future - a practice you can do anytime of the day, anywhere, in whatever you are doing. It is a natural state for our bodies,

  • Being aware of where you are and what you are doing - self – awareness,

  • Recognizing what is happening with the mind in the moment,

  • Understanding, observing, noticing and witnessing your thoughts and emotions,

  • Taking time to respond to moments in life - short pauses in everyday life,

  • Discovering and connecting to self and others,

  • Accepting yourself, others and moments in life - accepting experiences whether they are pleasurable or painful,

  • Showing compassion towards yourself, others and moments in life,

  • A process of insight into what is happening in the mind. Through this process of insight, seeing the same moment or experience from a different perspective,

  • Becoming aware of habitual patterns to make positive changes to transform and grow into the best version of yourself,

  • Being kind to yourself in each moment in turn sharing kindness with others,

  • Healing yourself - it gives us an opportunity to learn more about ourselves to heal,

  • Showing up wherever you are and whoever you are with being fully present with the here and now.


Benefits of Mindfulness for Teens and Young Adults:


  • Improves overall well-being including physical, emotional and mental health

  • Assists and improves communicating with yourself and those around you

  • Increases self-awareness and awareness of life

  • Boosts resilience and provides gratitude

Physical Health:

  • Improves digestion

  • Improves sleep and breathing

  • Relieves stress

Emotional Health:

  • Emotional regulation

  • Creates kindness towards self and others

  • Brings about calm

  • Increases happiness

  • Increases empathy and compassion

Mental Health:

  • Releases ‘happy’ chemicals in the brain

  • Increases focus and attention, and helps memory

  • Better decision making


What is Healthy Living?